M July 25, 2011

Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session  July 25, 2011  

A Regular Session of the Wayland School Committee was held on Monday, July 25, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. in the School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.

Present were:
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Chair
Ms. Beth Butler, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Mrs. Ellen Grieco
Dr. Shawn Kinney

Dr. Paul Stein
Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services

Mr. Geoffrey S. MacDonald
Business Administrator

Chair Barb Fletcher convened the regular meeting at 7:06 P.M.

1. SDC Change Orders #7a, #7b, and #8:
Lea Anderson and John Moynihan reviewed the following change orders that were approved by the HSBC. They answered questions posed by the Committee members.

SDC Change Order #7a: The HSBC requested approval and execution by the School Committee of ($27,682) for Buildings A and B: 1) Bldg. B toilet room casing and threshold details; 2) fiber optic coax cabling revisions; 3) deletion of projectors in science CR’s and other miscellaneous elect revisions; 4) teaching wall revisions; 5) chiller electrical feed revision; 6) added feature wall tile at walls adjacent to drinking fountains; 7) Bldg. B stair 1 and 3 roof drain and ceiling coordination.

SDC Change Order #7b: The HSBC is requesting approval and execution by the School Committee of $72,032 for the following: 1) delete sound systems in the FH and commons; 2) DCU at WWTP; 3) FH vestibule casework; 4) concession stand ejector; 5) revised lighting layout at FH main court; 6) relocation of FH drinking fountains; 6) revise floor finish in the WWTP; 7) conduit/power infrastructure for the FH video recording system; 8) FH HV-1 and HV-2 revisions.

SDC Change Order #8: The HSBC is requesting approval and execution by the School Committee of $78,825 for changes in the weight room renovation for the WayCAM studio.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve Change Order #7a for $27,682, Change Order #7b for $72,032, and Change Order #8 for $78,825 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company for a revised contract value of $56,725,751 and to authorize Chair Barb Fletcher to sign the contract on behalf of the Wayland School Committee.

2. MSBA Project Funding Agreement (PFA) Amendment:
The HSBC recommends approval of the PFA Amendment. This amendment reflects an adjustment in the total Facilities Grant based on budget revisions received and the guaranteed maximum price accepted by the Town for the Wayland High School project. The Total Facilities Grant has been changed from $25,000,000 to $24,610,595.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mrs. Grieco, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the First Amendment to the Project Funding Agreement between the Town of Wayland and the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for the Wayland High School project and to authorize Chair Barb Fletcher to sign the amendment on behalf of the Wayland School Committee.

3. Comments & Written Statements from the Public:
Dr. Astley expressed deep thanks to the School Committee and the Wayland community for helping his family.

4. Financial Aide for Full Day Kindergarten:
Dr. Stein presented a memo to the School Committee to establish a financial assistance program for families participating in FDK. Brian Jones and Dr. Stein answered questions from the Committee members.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Mrs. Grieco, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the recommendation by Dr. Stein for establishing a financial assistance program for FDK.

5. Additional Staffing for the Loker School:
Dr. Stein reviewed a proposal with the School Committee to increase staffing at the Loker School due to needs of students related to special education. Dr. Stein and Dr. Dodyk answered questions related to the proposal.

6. WHS Field Trip Approval:
The School Committee reviewed a high school field trip request from Pat Tutwiler for WHS students to attend an international trip to Paris and Aixen-Provence February 13-23, 2012.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve a WHS trip to France.

7. Discussion of ORC Report on Part I of the Abrahams Group Report:
The School Committee reviewed the changes from the ORC findings based on Part I of the Abrahams Group Report and discussed each of the first five findings and recommendations.

8. Youth Advisory Committee Appointment:
This item was tabled until the August meeting.

9. Student Visa Request:
Dr. Stein reviewed a memo with the School Committee requesting a student Visa. He answered Committee members’ questions; a decision was tabled until the next meeting.

10. Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve payment of the following:
• Wayland Public Schools Payroll warrant, dated 6/30/2011 to 7/13/2011, in the amount of $287,090.84
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 7/25/2011, in the amount of $47,500.29
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 7/25/2011, in the amount of $4,539,837.44 (High School Project)

11. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Dr. Astley abstained) to approve the following minutes as amended:
• Regular Session of July 11, 2011

June 27, 2011 regular session minutes were tabled.

12. Follow-up and Future Agenda Items:
(a) Indirect Cost Agreement: Mr. MacDonald reviewed the latest draft of the Indirect Cost Agreement (ICA). The Committee will review other possible changes and revisit the ICA at the August meeting.

(b) Supplemental Compliance: Mr. MacDonald reviewed the Supplemental Compliance findings with the School Committee.
Regular Session – July 25, 2011

(c) Article 8 Update: Chair Barb Fletcher updated the School Committee on the progress of Article 8.

(d) Elementary Enrollment Update: Dr. Stein provided the latest elementary enrollment numbers.

13. Comments from the Public:
Dr. Jurist asked the School Committee to focus on what the ORC report is trying to fix when creating systems based on their recommendations. He also raised questions related to the possible student visa request.

14. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mrs. Grieco, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at 10:09 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Stein, Clerk
Wayland School Committee

Lea Anderson, HSBC
Heather Pineault, Wayland parent
Louis Jurist, Wayland parent

Corresponding Documentation:
1. SDC Change Orders #7a, #7b, and #8
2. MSBA Amendment to the Project Funding Agreement for WHS
3. WHS Field Trip Request to France in February 2012
4. Memo from Paul Stein re: Student Visa Request
5. ORC Report re: Part I of the Abrahams Report
6. Regular Session Minutes of July 11, 2011


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