m June 2, 2011

Minutes - Wayland School Committee - Policy Subcommittee
June 2, 2011  

SUBJECT: Policy Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

DATE: June 2, 2011

TIME: 12:20 PM

PLACE: Town Building

PRESENT: Barb Fletcher, Beth Butler

The Subcommittee reviewed the following topics and policies and discussed whether further action, if any, was needed.

1. Minutes
• The Subcommittee reviewed the following minutes, amended to include the List of Documents reviewed at each meeting:
o December 16, 2010
o March 3, 2011
o April 26, 2011

• Ms. Butler made a motion to approve the minutes of December 16, 2010, March 3, 2011, and April 26, 2011, all as amended, and Ms. Fletcher seconded. The Subcommittee unanimously approved the minutes of December 16, 2010, March 3, 2011, and April 26, 2011, all as amended.

• The Subcommittee reviewed the draft minutes for May 11, 2011.

• Ms. Butler made a motion to approve the minutes of May 11, 2011 and Ms. Fletcher seconded. The Subcommittee unanimously approved the minutes of May 11, 2011.

2. Board Governance and Operations
• Ms. Butler discussed her review of Robert’s Rules related to the Chair’s role to promote discussion, to make motions, and to second a motion and to vote.
o The Chair is not allowed to make a motion, which refers to the Chair only.

3. Field Trips (IJOA) and Home Schooled Children and Athletic Participation (JJICA) Policies
a. Ms. Fletcher confirmed these policies are posted online.

4. Anti-Idling (EEAB) Policy
a. Ms. Fletcher confirmed that this policy was approved by the School Committee and is posted online.

5. Service Animal (IMG) Policy
a. Ms. Fletcher confirmed that this policy is posted online.

6. Future SC Meeting
a. The Subcommittee discussed possible policies to review prior to bringing them to a future School Committee meeting.

Ms. Fletcher made a motion to adjourn and Ms. Butler seconded. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM.

Respectively Submitted,

Barb Fletcher and Beth Butler

• Minutes from December 16, 2010, March 3, 2011, April 26, 2011 and May 11, 2011.





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