m May 23, 2011

Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session  May 23, 2011  

A Regular Session of the Wayland School Committee was held on Monday, May 23, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.

Present were:
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Chair
Ms. Beth Butler, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley (left from 7:22 to 7:53 p.m.)
Dr. Shawn Kinney (arrived at 7:10 p.m.)

Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Geoffrey S. MacDonald
Business Administrator

Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services

Chair Barb Fletcher convened the regular meeting at 7:02 P.M. Mrs. Fletcher announced that the Committee would return to Open Session following the Executive Session.

1. Technology Prep Session for June 6th Discussion:
Mary Barber, technology teacher at Wayland High School, walked the School Committee through logging into “It’s Learning” for an informational course prepared for the Committee for the 1:1 Learning Initiative.

2. HSBC Change Orders:
Lea Anderson, Chair of the HSBC, presented the School Committee with two change orders:
Change Order #4 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company in the amount of $56,549,000 for electrical, WayCAM, fire extinguishers, seating fabric, water coolers, Fieldhouse canopy, and acoustical ceiling.

Change Order #5 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company in the amount of $34,929 for Fieldhouse locker revisions and temporary weight room trainer’s office.
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to
approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $56,549,000 and Change Order #5 in the amount of $34,929 and to authorize Chair Barb Fletcher to sign the contracts on behalf of the Wayland School Committee.

3. Presentation re: Wayland’s 375th Celebration:
Mary Antes, Lynne Dunbrack and members of the Wayland 375th Celebration Committee presented an outline of the Committee’s vision of Wayland’s 375th anniversary celebration, including a time line, key dates, and how the children in Wayland could participate in the activities.

4. Presentation re: High School Cafeteria Proposal:
Members of the Green Team presented its proposal for the creation of a healthy, green WHS kitchen, including the elimination of the polystyrene trays currently used.

5. Comments and Written Statements from the Public:
There were no comments or written statements.

6. Annual METCO Report/Presentation:
METCO Director Mabel Reid-Wallace presented her annual METCO Program Report. She provided a program overview, professional development opportunities, budget challenges, and METCO activities. Ms. Reid-Wallace answered questions from the School Committee.

7. Discussion and Award of Bus Contract:
Geoff MacDonald reviewed the bus bid summary with the School Committee and his recommendation for the award to First Student under the “Alternate A” bid.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to award the three-year contract to First Student under “Alternate A” as Mr. MacDonald recommended.

8. School Committee Policy Review and Talking Points:
The Chair recommended tabling the conversation regarding the review of Section B of the School Committee’s Policy Manual (School Board Governance and Operations) until the full Committee has time to review the appropriate documents.

9. Response to Dr. Paul Stein’s Letter:
The School Committee members reviewed questions from Dr. Stein’s letter and agreed on a response.

10. Draft Letter re: the Middle School Fields:
The School Committee reviewed a draft letter to answer questions raised regarding the two proposed Middle School fields. Several changes were made to the draft. The Committee also discussed the scheduled forum that Dr. Astley is planning to attend. The School Committee would like to understand the steps in the process for the project.

11. Review of Executive Session Minutes re: Open Meeting Law Complaint:
Mrs. Fletcher provided the members of the School Committee with the process for reviewing regular and executive session minutes based on the Attorney General’s recommendation from the recent OML complaint. The Committee will finish reviewing and drafting the minutes and will take action on the minutes at the June 6th meeting.

12. Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to approve payment of the following:
• Wayland Public Schools Payroll warrant, dated 5/19/2011, in the amount of $1,079,083.48
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 5/23/2011, in the amount of $225,677.46
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 5/23/2011, in the amount of $5,945,366.77 (High School Project)

13. Acceptance of Gifts:
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School voted unanimously (4-0) to accept the following gift with gratitude to the Wayland Public Schools:
• A check in the amount of $2,000 received as a grant from the National STEM Video Game Challenge, as designated by student Geoffrey Wang, as a 2010 Youth Prize winner.

14. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (4-0) to approve the following minutes as amended:
• Regular Session of May 9, 2011
• Executive Session of May 9, 2011

15. Superintendent’s Report continued:
(a) June 5th Graduation:
Dr. Burton invited the School Committee members to the High School graduation on June 5.

(b) Unencumbered Funds Review:
Mr. Geoff MacDonald reviewed the unencumbered funds with the School Committee.
Regular Session – May 23, 2011

16. Follow-up and Future Agenda Items:
(a) 1:1 Technology Learning Initiative:
The proposed Maine trip has been postponed until the fall.

(b) Operations Review Committee Update:
Mrs. Fletcher provided an update from the Operations Review Committee.

(c) Nomination for School Committee Chair:
Upon a motion by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (3-0) (Mrs. Fletcher abstained) to nominate Barb Fletcher as Chair of the School Committee for 2011-2012.

(d) Nomination for School Committee Vice Chair:
Upon a motion by Dr. Astley, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted (3-0) (Ms. Butler abstained) to nominate Beth Butler as Vice Chair of the School Committee for 2011-2012.

(e) Email Packets for School Committee Meetings:
The School Committee discussed going paperless for their meeting packets. The Committee would like to pilot going paperless for the next two meetings.

(f) Alumni Association and Closing of High School:
The School Committee discussed planning special events for the alumni and community to tour the old high school. Dr. Astley will follow up with the HSBC and Dr. Burton will also speak to Principal Tutwiler to see what is being planned.

17. Comments from the Public:
Louis Jurist expressed concern about students in the METCO Program and their access to school events and the limits on student engagement for high school and middle school students. He also discussed the proposed middle school field project, weighing the benefits vs. the impacts.

18. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to convene in Executive Session at 10:30 P.M. to discuss matters pertaining to Food Service union negotiations, as set forth in M.G.L. Ch. 39, Section 21 (a)(3). The School Committee agreed that discussion regarding the union negotiations would be in Executive Session, as conducting these discussions in open session will have a
detrimental effect on the School Committee’s negotiating position.

A roll call vote was taken as follows:

Roll Call

Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Chair

Dr. Malcolm Astley

Ms. Beth Butler

Dr. Shawn Kinney









The Chair announced that they would reconvene in Regular Session following the adjournment of the Executive Session for adjournment purposes only.

19. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at 11:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee

Louis Jurist, Wayland
Lea Anderson, HSBC
Mabel Reid-Wallace, METCO

Corresponding Documentation:
1. Supporting documentation re: greening of the WHS Kitchen
2. Supporting documentation re: KVA Change Orders #4 and #5
3. Handout – “Reasons for Convening Executive Session”
4. Letter from E-Line Media re: grant to school district
5. Handout – Draft letter re: Middle School Fields Proposal
6. Handout re Wayland’s 375th Anniversary Celebration


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