Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session March 7, 2011
A Regular Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Monday, March 7, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Large
Hearing Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney
Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Geoffrey S. MacDonald
Business Administrator
Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services
Also present:
Mr. James Lee, Happy Hollow Principal
Mr. Brian Jones, Loker Principal/WSCP Director
Mrs. Betsy Gavron, Middle School Principal
Ms. Debbie Bearse, Claypit Hill Principal
Mrs. Leisha Simon, Technology Director
Mr. Pat Tutwiler, High School Principal
Mrs. Mabel Reid-Wallace, METCO Director
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:07 P.M.
1. Public Hearing on FY12 Budget:
Mrs. Barb Fletcher reviewed the School Committee proposed budget
by using a presentation that is attached. The Committee and
Administration answered questions from the public.
2. Comments from the Public:
Annette Lewis asked for clarification on the different budget
documents. She asked for clarification on offsets, new position, and
capital requests from prior years.
Kim Cook expressed a concern about the
accuracy of the budget message related to personnel increases, benefit
packages for new staff. She also requested a BASE refund and
clarification on School Department transfers of funds to the Town. She
had additional questions related to grants, METCO, and budget formats.
Donna Bouchard expressed concerns related to
class size, teacher reductions in prior years, current budget
allocations, and expansion of the fee-based programs to offset the
school budget.
Ted Henning expressed his support for the School Committee’s efforts.
3. Budget Discussion:
The School Committee discussed the State Ethics Conflict of
Interest or Fee Form from the State Ethics Commission. Dr. Kinney did
not submit the form.
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded
by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to invoke
the “rule of necessity” to vote on the budget.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher,
seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (4-0) (Dr. Kinney
abstained, as he did not submit a State Ethics Conflict of Interest or
Fee Form) to approve the FY12 budget in the amount of $32,438,840.
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney,
seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (2-3) 2 in favor (Dr.
Kinney and Dr. Jurist) and 3 against (Mrs. Fletcher, Ms. Butler, Dr.
Astley) to approve the hiring of an assistant for the Business Office,
the salary to be from $50,000 to $55,000. The motion failed until
further review of the final Abrahams Report.
4. Follow-up and Future Agenda Items:
(a) Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the
following minutes, as amended:
• Special Session of January 11, 2011
• Special Session of January 13, 2011
• Special Session of January 19, 2011
• Regular Session of February 7, 2011
• Executive Session of February 17, 2011
(b) Policy Follow-up:
A draft of the Service Animal Policy was given to the School
Committee and the Policy Subcommittee recommended to use the emergency
clause in Policy BGB to enact this policy immediately.
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) to approve only the portion of the MASC recommended policy
related to the Service Animals Policy (IMG), using the emergency clause
in Policy BGB to enact this policy immediately.
(c) Requested Forensic Audit:
Dr. Kinney provided copies of an email from Brenda Sharton
requesting a forensic audit. The School Committee discussed the
request. The Committee will discuss this email again at the next
(d) Field Trip Safety:
Dr. Astley requested that the topic “field trip safety” be discussed at the next Policy Subcommittee meeting.
(e) Elementary School Configuration:
This discussion will also be placed on a future agenda.
(d) Alumni Association:
This discussion will be placed on a future agenda.
5. Comments from the Public:
• Donna Bouchard expressed disappointment with the School Committee’s vote on not hiring the Accountant.
• Annette Lewis asked that the car and an annuity not be placed in the new superintendent’s contract.
• Tom Sciacca cited a recent Times magazine article on class
size and advocated using technology in favor of smaller class sizes.
• Molly Upton requested that all future budgets do not subsidize transportation for those not eligible.
6. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr.
Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to convene in
Executive Session at 9:55 P.M. to discuss matters pertaining to the
Superintendent contract for Dr. Stein, as set forth in Section 23B of
G.L. Ch. 39. The School Committee agreed that discussion regarding the
Superintendent contract for Dr. Stein would be in Executive Session, as
conducting these discussions in open session will have a detrimental
effect on the School Committee’s negotiating position.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Roll Call
Dr. Louis M. Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney
The Chair announced that they would reconvene in Regular Session.
Other administrators left the meeting.
7. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at 10:05 P.M.
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley,
seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to
approve the Superintendent’s contract as presented.
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler,
seconded by Mrs. Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0)
to authorize Dr. Jurist to sign the contract on behalf of the School
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher,
seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to
appoint Dr. Paul Stein to serve as the next Superintendent.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee
Alexia Obar, 18 Dean Road
Dianne Bladon, PTO
Annette Lewis, Claypit Hill Road
Tom Sciacca, WVN
Betsey Brigham, Rice Road
Donna Bouchard, 72 Concord Road
Conrad Gees, WTA
Molly Upton, WVN
Tom Conroy, State Representative
John Flaherty, Wayland
Kim Cook, Wayland
Ted Henning, Wayland
Ellen Greico, Wayland
Corresponding Documentation:
1. HMFH Amendment #4
2. Client Advisory from MHTL re: New Policy (Presence and Use of Service Animals in Public Schools)
3. Full Day Kindergarten Memo from Brad Crozier
4. Superintendent Contract