Minutes - Wayland School Committee - Policy Subcommittee
March 3, 2011
SUBJECT: Policy Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
DATE: March 3, 2011
TIME: 11:15 AM
PLACE: 7 Winthrop Road, Wayland
PRESENT: Barb Fletcher, Beth Butler
The Subcommittee reviewed the following policies and discussed whether further action, if any, was needed.
a. Minutes
i. The Subcommittee agreed to amend the minutes of December 16, 2010.
ii. Ms. Fletcher moved to approve the minutes of December 16,
2010, as amended, and Ms. Butler seconded. The Subcommittee
unanimously approved the minutes of December 16, 2010, as amended.
b. Section IJOA - Field Trips
i. Ms. Fletcher confirmed that the policy manual will be updated with the current, approved version of this policy.
c. Section JJICA - Home Schooled Students and Athletic Participation
i. Ms. Fletcher confirmed the policy manual will be updated with the approved version of this policy.
d. Section EEAA - Student Transportation
i. Ms. Fletcher confirmed the policy manual will be updated with the approved version of this policy.
e. Section DJB - Fuel Efficient Vehicles
i. Ms. Fletcher confirmed the policy manual will be updated with the approved version of this policy.
f. Ms. Butler provided an update on her various follow up items
from the previous subcommittee meeting of December 16, 2010, including:
i. Section JJH - Late Night and Overnight Trips
ii. Section JICFB - Bullying and Cyber bullying
iii. Document Retention
iv. Section IJNDD (proposed) - Face book and Social Networking
v. Section BGB - Adoption of Policy
vi. IMDC - Religious Policy
vii. Indexing of policy manual
g. Section EEAB - Anti-Idling
i. Ms. Butler will compare the current, proposed policy that is
posted online for public review with the MASC recommended policy and
suggested any changes to the Subcommittee at a future meeting.
h. MASC Recommended Policies
i. Concussion/Head Injuries
1. The Subcommittee agreed to recommend to the Administration
that this policy be included in the Athletic Handbook, per the
recommendation of MASC.
ii. Students Transferring from Charter Schools
1. Ms. Butler agreed to review existing MASC policies concerning transfers of any students to districts.
2. Ms. Fletcher agreed to amend the MASC recommended policy to include language from the DESE.
iii. Service Animals
1. The Subcommittee reviewed the MASC recommended policy
and agreed to discuss it at the next SC meeting, scheduled for March
2. Ms. Fletcher will provide information to the SC for its next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Barb Fletcher and Beth Butler
• December 16, 2010 Draft Minutes
• Policy JJICA - Home Schooled Students and Athletic Participation
• Policy EEAB (proposed) - Anti Idling
• MASC Recommended Policies (Concussion/Head Injuries, Students Transferring from Charter Schools, Service Animals)