m November 22, 2010

Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Public Forum/Regular Session  November 22, 2010  

A Public Forum/Regular Session of the Wayland School Committee was held on Monday, November 22, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. in the Large Hearing Room of the Wayland Town Building.

Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley (left about 7:25 p.m. and returned at 8:00 p.m.)
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney

Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Geoffrey S. MacDonald
Business Administrator

Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk (arrived late due to the Supt. Search Committee meeting)
Director of Student Services

Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:05 P.M.

1. Public Forum/Comments from the Public:
Mrs. Fletcher used a PowerPoint slide show covering the following topics:
• District-wide Goals and Priorities
• Superintendent Search
• High School Building Project
• FY12 Budget Process
• Operations Review Work
~ Interim Report from The Abrahams Group

The School Committee and administrators answered questions from community members.
• Mrs. Annette Louis asked why the School Committee is still maintaining a separate website from the Town’s website.
• Dr. Jurist asked Dr. Burton how parents or students can give feedback for purposes of the principals’ evaluation of teachers; would like responses.
• Mr. Tom Sciacca asked when the teachers and School Committee will ratify the tentative agreement for the new teachers’ contract.

The public forum ended at 7:25 p.m.

2. 2010 Staff Deployment & Class Size Report:
Mr. Crozier presented the 2010 Staff Deployment and Class Size Report and answered questions from the Committee members.

3. Superintendent Search Update:
Dr. Jurist provided a brief description of the current progress regarding the Superintendent Search Committee.

4. FinCom FY12 Budget Guideline:
Mrs. Fletcher provided information related to the FinCom guideline. The School Committee reviewed the FinCom FY12 budget guideline.

Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted (4-1) (Dr. Astley objected) that it is their intention to meet the FinCom budget guideline.

Mrs. Fletcher also discussed the time line for the Budget. The School Committee would like Dr. Burton to make his budget presentation on January 6, 2011.

Mrs. Fletcher also discussed the timeline for the Technology Capital proposal. The Committee would like to move the December 6 meeting to December 13.

5. HSBC Presentation:
Lea Anderson and Brian Chase of the HSBC, and Frank Vanzler of KVA updated the School Committee on the current status of the high school building project’s budget. Mrs. Anderson presented Amendment #3 the “Guaranteed Maximum Price” (GMP) to the Committee.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve Contract Amendment #3 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company for $31,997,435.00 resulting in a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $56,326,676.00 and to authorize Chairman Louis Jurist to sign the contract on behalf of the Wayland School Committee.

They also presented Change Order #2 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company. There was some discussion by the School Committee on change order approval process.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Kinney, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve Change Order #2 for Shawmut Design and Construction Company for $50,502.00 for paving the temporary road around Wayland High School.

6. Approval of Accounts Payables and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve payment of the following:
• Wayland Public Schools Payroll warrant, dated 11/18/2010, in the amount of $1,128,304.98
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 11/22/2010, in the amount of $1,357,791.63 (High School Project)
• Wayland Public Schools Accounts Payable warrant, dated 11/22/2010, in the amount of $187,440.59

7. Preliminary Report from Abrahams Group:
Mrs. Fletcher and Business Administrator Geoff MacDonald reviewed with the School Committee the interim report from the Abrahams Group. The Committee discussed and reviewed the preliminary recommendation. Mrs. Fletcher and Dr. Kinney will provide feedback to the Abrahams Group on the recommendation.

8. Superintendent Search Update (Leadership Profile Report by FMS):
Richard Warren and Bill Garr from Future Management Systems updated the School Committee on the number of applicants that have applied for the Superintendent’s position. FMS went over the screening process with the Search Committee in a separate meeting and reviewed the Leadership Profile Report with the School Committee.

The School Committee expressed appreciation to the members of the school community for their participation in the focus groups.

9. Superintendent’s Report:
(a) Gossels Fund for Academic Excellence Proposals:
Dr. Burton presented to the School Committee the two grant proposals he recommended for funding through the Gossels Fund for Academic Excellence. The School Committee discussed the intent of the fund and how the two grants fit the criteria.

Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mr. Astley, The School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the grant recommendation by Dr. Burton pending approval by the Gossels.

(b) High School Photo Project:
Dr. Burton informed the School Committee that he has approved a fundraising effort that will take photos of the old high school.

10. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (5-0) to approve the following minutes as amended:
• Regular Session of November 8, 2010
• Special Session of November 16, 2010

11. Follow-up and Future Agenda Items:
• The School Committee discussed the plans for the transition of the School Committee website.
• Dr. Astley provided an article from Business Week related to students’ lack of empathy.
• Dr. Astley asked to be put on the next agenda to provide him feedback for the next Suburban Coalition meeting.

12. Comments from the Public:
Annette Lewis commented on the value of the preliminary recommendations from the Abrahams Group. She felt the preliminary recommendations may lead to overall savings and other positive outcomes.

13. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) in a roll call vote to convene in Executive Session at 10:55 P.M. for the purpose of matters pertaining to Executive Session minutes and Negotiations with the Custodians, WESA, Food Service, and WTA, as set forth in Section 23B of G.L. Ch. 39. The School Committee agreed that discussion regarding the union contracts with the aforementioned unions would be in Executive Session, as conducting these discussions in open session will have a detrimental effect on the School Committee’s negotiating position.

              Roll Call



Dr. Louis Jurist

Mrs. Barb Fletcher




Dr. Malcolm Astley

Ms. Beth Butler

Dr. Shawn Kinney





The Chair announced that the Committee would reconvene in Open Session immediately following the adjournment of the Executive Session for adjournment purposes only.

14. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at 11:21P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee

Cynthia Lavenson, Wayland
Annette Lewis, Wayland
Tom Sciacca, WVN

Corresponding Documents:
1. 2010 Staff Deployment & Class Size Report
2. Interim Report from The Abrahams Group
3. HSBC Documents
• Contract Amendment #3 for Shawmut Design & Construction (GMP)
• Change Order #2 for Shawmut Design & Construction



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