Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session September 13, 2010
A Regular Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Monday, September 13, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. in the
School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney (arrived at 7:15 p.m.)
Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Geoffrey MacDonald
Business Administrator
Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:10 P.M.
1. Comments or Written Statements from the Public:
There were no public comments or written statement.
2. Review of WAYCam Article:
Mrs. Lea Anderson and Mrs. Dianne Bladon of the HSBC updated the
School Committee on the recent information and the best options for
possibly housing WayCAM on the high school site. Currently being
considered is the existing weight room as the “vanilla box option”,
which is usable space at a low cost and could possibly be used as
WayCAM space at a future date.
Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the
warrant article as a placeholder for Special Town Meeting on November
16, 2010 with some minor clarifications to specify purpose and
completed by Thursday, September 16.
The School Committee discussed the request to support a second
warrant article to turn over the space to the Board of Selectmen. The
place holder article will be subject to review by town council and will
be contingent on WayCam’s ability to get funding commitments before a
vote at Town Meeting.
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Dr. Kinney,
the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the language
and to authorize the Chair to work with town council on similar language
to submit a warrant article to turn over the space currently
designated as the field house weight room to the Board of Selectmen for
3. Discussion re: Board of Health Initiative at Wayland High School:
Ms. Ruth Mori (BOH), Ms. Amy Schoeff (WHS nurse), and Mr. Pat
Tutwiler (Principal) discussed creating a working group jointly with the
Board of Health to study the possibility of providing information,
education, and condoms to high school students to protect them from
sexually transmitted infections.
Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to create a joint
working group with the Board of Health to study the initiative and make
recommendations to the Committee for their approval. Ms. Butler will
serve as the School Committee rep.
4. Review of the 2010 Annual Town Report:
The School Committee reviewed a template for the 2010 Annual Town
Report. Members will send the Chair suggestions for language for the
annual report.
5. Review of the Current FY11 Budget:
This agenda item was postponed until a later time.
6. Warrant Articles for Special Town Meeting:
Dr. Burton recommended creating a Special Education Stabilization
Fund to mitigate unanticipated special education costs. He supported
the reason for creating the fund with several points, but mainly because
circuit breaker funds from the State have been drastically reduced.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr.
Astley, the Committee voted (4-1) to authorize Dr. Burton to work with
Mr. Fred Turkington and the town counsel to place a warrant article as a
place holder to enable more time for research on establishing a Special
Education Stabilization Fund.
7. Discussion re: Superintendent’s 2010-2011 Goals:
Dr. Burton and the School Committee had a preliminary discussion
regarding his goals for this school year. Several members gave input,
but all members will send Dr. Burton input directly before the next
8. Approval of Accounts Payables and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr.
Astley, the School Committee voted (4-0) (Dr. Kinney abstained) to
approve payment of the following:
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 8/26/2010, in the amount of $241,827.13
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 9/9/2010, in the amount of $1,046,965.39
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 9/9/2010, in the amount of $5,159.75
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 9/13/2010, in the amount of $429,160.33
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 9/13/2010, in the amount of $588,874.64 (High School Building)
9. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms. Butler,
the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the following
minutes as amended:
• Regular Session of August 3, 2010
10. Superintendent’s Report:
(a) Opening Day and Enrollment Update:
Dr. Burton reported on the opening of school and current enrollment.
(b) Transportation Update:
Dr. Burton described the overall busing status for the start of
the year. He described several challenges, including a bus breakdown
and a significant number of late enrollees.
(c) G-4 Update:
Dr. Burton reported that the G-4 group will issue a report this
fall and requested a School Committee member attend future meetings.
Dr. Kinney will attend.
(d) TEC Update:
Dr. Astley reported that as a consultant for TEC as a supervisor
of new teachers and new administrators, he may have a conflict as
the School Committee representative to TEC. He will remain cautious
and attentive to make sure he is not placed in a situation that becomes a
conflict of interest. He will also discuss the matter with the
State Ethics Commission.
(e) Middle School Compost Pile Fire:
Dr. Burton reported on the fire that may have been set, which burned a portion of the Middle School compost pile.
(f) WTA Job Action:
Dr. Burton reported on a WTA job action on the opening day for staff.
(g) Boston Magazine’s 50 Best High Schools:
Dr. Burton reviewed several handouts, including Boston Magazine’s 50 Best High Schools.
Dr. Kinney asked questions related to CAPA’s Instrument Rental Night as expressed by Spencer Brooks Strings.
11. Follow-up Items:
The calendar for the year and School Committee secretary will be on the agenda at a future meeting.
The School Committee will hold a public special meeting on
Monday, September 20 at 6:30 p.m. with Future Management Systems
regarding agreement on the formation of the search group and process.
12. Comments from the Public:
There were no public comments.
13. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley, the Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) in a roll call vote to convene in Executive Session at 10:30
P.M. for the purpose of matters pertaining to Collective Bargaining
with the WTA, as set forth in Section 23B of G.L. Ch. 39. The School
Committee agreed that discussion regarding union contracts with the WTA
would be in Executive Session, as conducting these discussions in open
session will have a detrimental effect on the School Committee’s
negotiating position.
Roll Call
Dr. Louis Jurist
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney
The Chair announced that the Committee would reconvene in Open
Session immediately following the adjournment of the Executive Session
for adjournment purposes only.
14. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley,
the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at
10:58 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee
Dianne Bladon, HSBC
Amy Schoeff, WHS nurse
Lea Anderson, HSBC
Susan Koffman, WayCAM
Richard Turner, WayCAM
Ken Isaacson, WayCAM
Corresponding Documents:
1. Proposed Warrant Article for WHS Weight Room Code Upgrade for WAYCam and Future Needs
2. 2009 Annual Town Report
3. September Enrollment Report
4. Boston Magazine’s 50 Best High Schools