m August 3, 2010

Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session   August 3, 2010  

A Regular Session of the Wayland School Committee was held on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. in the School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.

Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney

Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services

Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:05 P.M.

1. Special Matter – Contract Amendment #1 for Shawmut Design & Construction:
Mrs. Lea Anderson and Mr. Brian Chase of the HSBC reviewed the contract amendment #1 with the School Committee. They described and summarized the costs contained in the amendment.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the contract as described in “Owner-Construction Manager Agreement Wayland High School Expansion and Modernization project contract Amendment #1” and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement for the Committee.

Mrs. Anderson clarified the process for line item budget changes within the approved budget. She described a process that would be acceptable to the HSBC.

Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Astley, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee moved to allow Mr. John Moynihan to authorize line item changes within the overall project budget.

2. Comments or Written Statements from the Public:
• A student intern urged the School Committee to find space for WAYCam at the high school.
• A community member commented on the two OML complaints he filed.
• A community member commented on the inflation rates as it related to the future negotiations.

3. WAYCam Discussion:
Members of the WAYCam Board updated the School Committee on the process of relocating the WAYCam studio. WAYCam board members requested the School Committee appoint a School Committee representative to the Relocation Committee.

Mr. Jim Mullane described his thinking on the impact to the educational program if adequate WAYCam space is not located on the high school campus.

WAYCam board members looked for an indication of the School Committee’s financial support in addition to philosophical support for the WAYCam program. The Board also asked for time on a future School Committee agenda to formally present their proposal. Dr. Jurist will represent the School Committee and serve as the representative to WAYCam.

4. Discussion of Recent OML Complaint:
The School Committee will review the meeting minutes. This item was resolved during public comment.
Regular Session – August 3, 2010

5. WHS Fine Arts Graduation Requirement:
Mr. Pat Tutwiler, Principal of WHS, presented a proposal for a required Fine Arts graduation credit for the Class of 2015. He answered questions posed by the Committee members.

Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to accept and endorse the proposal as presented to add a graduation requirement for Fine Arts.

6. Approval of School Committee Policy – Bullying and Cyber-bullying (JICFB):
The School Committee made several grammatical changes and received no other public comment.

Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to accept the Bullying and Cyber-bullying Policy (JICFB).

7. Wayland Middle School Improvement Plan:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to accept the Middle School Council Report and School Improvement Plan.

8. Operations Review Committee Update:
Mrs. Fletcher updated the Committee on the progress of the Operational Review Committee.

9. Discussion re: Procedural Matters:
(a) Responding to Community Questions
The Committee discussed responding to questions received by the Committee via email. The consensus was that the Chair would respond as the spokesperson. Questions during the period of public comment may be answered directly and/or referred as a future agenda item.

(b) Setting Agendas
The agenda will continue to be made by the School Committee Chair and the Superintendent. The Committee will continue to use the follow-up items list as a reminder.

(c) Taking Minutes
• Mr. Astley will research cost of secretary.
• When public comment is made, the minutes will reflect the names of speakers.
• Mr. Crozier will work with Ms. Butler to create a fact sheet for comments and School Committee meetings.

10. Superintendent Search – Ranking of Proposals:
The School Committee discussed the process for ranking proposals. The consensus of the Committee was to rank the proposals as an entire Committee in Executive Session as outlined by 30B.

11. Approval of Accounts Payables and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (4-0) (Dr. Kinney abstained) to approve payment of the following:
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 7/15/2010, in the amount of $221,709.29
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 7/15/2010, in the amount of $7,301.49 (2 missing checks)
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 7/29/2010, in the amount of $203,993.19
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 7/30/2010, in the amount of $418,420.03
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 8/2/2010, in the amount of $707,475.25 (high school project)

12. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley, the School Committee voted (3-0) (Ms. Butler and Dr. Kinney abstained) to approve the following minutes as amended:

• Regular Session of June 21, 2010

Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms. Butler, the School Committee voted (4-0)
(Dr. Kinney abstained) to approve the following minutes as amended:

• Regular Session of July 12, 2010

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Butler, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher, the School Committee voted (4-0) (Dr. Kinney abstained) to approve the following minutes as amended:

• Executive Session of July 12, 2010

The Regular Session minutes of June 28, 2010 were tabled.

13. Superintendent’s Report:
(a) Enrollment Update:
Mr. Crozier updated the School Committee on the current enrollment numbers.

(b) Summer Pegasus Program Update:
Mr. Crozier updated the School Committee on the close of the 2010 Summer Pegasus Program. He also informed the School Committee of an innovative “Snow Day” that Mr. Brian Jones created.

(c) HSBC Update:
Mr. Crozier provided a brief update on the current progress of the high school building project.

(d) Full Day Kindergarten Update:
Mr. Crozier gave an update on the full day kindergarten program.

14. Follow-up Items:
There were no follow-up items discussed. The School Committee will post a meeting for August 9 at 7:00 p.m.

15. Comments from the Public:
A community resident commented on current enrollment at the elementary level. She related the enrollment to inequities in experience of students from one school to another.

16. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Kinney, the Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) in a roll call vote to convene in Executive Session at 10:30 P.M. for the purpose of matters pertaining to Collective Bargaining with the Custodians, a non-union contract, and Superintendent Search Rankings, as set forth in Section 23B of G.L. Ch. 39. The School Committee agreed that discussion regarding an individual’s non-union contract would be in Executive Session, as it could be detrimental to the individual.

              Roll Call



Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair

Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair




Dr. Malcolm Astley

Ms. Beth Butler

Dr. Shawn Kinney





The Chair announced that the Committee would reconvene in Open Session immediately following the adjournment of the Executive Session for adjournment purposes only.

17. Adjournment:
Upon a motion by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Astley, the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at 11:42 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee

Corresponding Documents:
1. Owner-Construction Manager Agreement for WHS Expansion and Modernization Project
2. WAYCam Studio Space Requirements
3. PowerPoint Presentation re: Fine Arts Graduation Requirement
4. Draft of Bullying and Cyber-bullying Policy JICFB
5. Wayland Middle School Council Report (2009-10) and School Improvement Plan (2010-11)
6. Mr. George Harris’s OML Complaint Letter dated 7/26/2010
7. Mr. George Harris’s OML Complaint letter to Mr. Robert Nasdor of the Attorney General’s Office dated 7/13/2010
8. Enrollment Report as of July 28, 2010



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