English Lanuage Arts

English Language Arts

The importance of being able to read and write cannot be understated. The power to inhabit story, access and organize information, and express ideas in words allows us to build an intimate relationship with the world around us. Indeed, being able to communicate with others, as well as name for ourselves, the ideas, questions, passions, fears, and concerns we all share is critical to our development as human beings. Reading and writing are more than the mechanical processes that underpin both; it is the artful combination of those skills which affords us a chance to make meaning--of ourselves, our relationships, and our environment. Without a medium through which we can grasp how we feel or what we think or know, there lies a dependency and loneliness we would never wish for our children. Because of our deep belief in the inherent value of individual voices and experiences, Wayland Public Schools are committed to helping all students grow as readers, writers, and thinkers, so they are empowered to flourish, writing their own stories and constructing a more empathic, just world. We are likewise dedicated to embracing diverse narratives across time and place, as they promote equity, build a sense of belonging within our schools, and tie us to a history and realities larger than our own.

Over time, English and literacy teachers aim to support all students in gaining necessary skills to produce and interact with increasingly complex text. Families can expect students to practice explicit strategies in order to:

  • systematically learn to read through a structured literacy approach that builds phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills;
  • engage in a meaningful, iterative way with the writing process; 
  • write across a range of genres (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc.);
  • identify and implement craft moves with intention;
  • make strategic decisions related to syntax; 
  • read across a range of genres (e.g. short stories, books, articles, speeches, etc.);
  • question critically in order to further understanding;
  • excavate and marshall evidence in the service of a larger goal;
  • participate in literary and introspective conversations;  
  • engage the world of words from an intellectually curious place;
  • apply foundational literacy skills to other modes of communication such as public speaking, journalism, graphic storytelling, multimedia presentations, and others, including new media that will emerge throughout their lifetimes.


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