Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session April 26, 2010
A Regular Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Monday, April 26, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. in the School
Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mr. Malcolm Astley
Mrs. Deb Cohen, Esq.
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent
Ms. Joy E. Buhler
Business Administrator
Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:08 P.M.
1. Comments and Written Statements from the Public:
There were no public comments or written statements.
2. Discussion re: FMLA/MMLA Policies:
Mrs. Cohen presented the amended draft of the FMLA/MMLA policy and discussed language options for the Committee.
3. Discussion re: Non-Union Handbook:
The Committee reviewed the latest draft of the non-union handbook.
Mrs. Cohen will work with Mr. Crozier to review several current
practices and bring another draft to a future meeting.
4. Approval of WHS Trip to Iceland in 2011:
The School reviewed a request to Iceland made by the WHS Business Department.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher,
seconded by Mr. Astley, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to
approve the WHS to Iceland in 2011.
5. Preliminary Preparations for Annual Town Meeting:
The School Committee discussed the final copy of the budget book.
The Committee members also discussed the message for Annual Town
6. Approval of Accounts Payables and Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mrs.
Cohen, the School Committee voted (4-0) to approve payment of each of
the following:
• School Department Payroll Warrant, dated 4/22/2010, in the amount of $1,092,253.22
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 4/26/2010, in the amount of $102,506.65
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 4/26/2010, in the amount of $265,139.00
7. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mrs.
Cohen, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to approve the
following minutes:
• Regular Session of April 5, 2010
• Executive Session of April 5, 2010
• Regular Session of April 12, 2010
• Regular Session of April 13, 2010
• Executive Session of April 13, 2010
8. Superintendent’s Report:
(a) Full Day Kindergarten Update:
Dr. Dodyk and Mr. Crozier updated the School Committee on the
current progress for the Full Day Kindergarten pilot. The School
Committee would like to pursue some funding to offset the cost of the
(b) HSBC Update:
Dr. Jurist updated the School Committee on the HSBC’s progress to date.
(c) New Private School in Wayland:
Dr. Burton informed the Committee of a possible new private school
in Wayland. He will bring a recommendation for the Committee at a
future meeting.
9. Collective Bargaining:
Mrs. Fletcher informed the School Committee that the WTA
negotiations team shortened the last negotiations session and canceled
today’s session.
10. Comments from the Public:
A community member commented on the Technology Information
Exchange and the level of high quality presentation and discussion.
11. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mr. Astley, the Committee voted unanimously
(4-0) in a vote to convene in Executive Session at 9:43 P.M. to
discuss strategy pertaining to negotiations with the Non-Union
Administrators, Wayland Teachers Association, Wayland Educational
Secretaries' Association, Wayland Custodians, and Wayland Food Service
Workers, as set forth in Section 23(B)(3) of M.G.L. Ch. 39. The School
Committee agreed that discussion regarding the non-union and union
negotiations would be in Executive Session, as conducting these
discussions in open session will have a detrimental effect on the School
Committee’s negotiating position,
The Chair announced that the Committee would
reconvene in Open Session immediately following the adjournment of the
Executive Session for adjournment purposes only.
12. Adjournment:
Upon a motion by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mr. Astley, the
Committee voted unanimously (4-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at
11:19 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee
Mr. Tom Sciacca, WVN
Mrs. Beth Butler, 7 Winthrop Road
Amended as of June 6, 2011