BASE Site Coordinators 

Claypit Hill, K - 5
[email protected]

Happy Hollow, K - 5
[email protected]            

Loker, K - 5
[email protected]              

TCW BASE (Preschool)
[email protected]    
[email protected]

Program Descriptions  


The Children's Way BASE After School Program is located in the Wayland Town Building.  Preschoolers participating in the full day programs have the option of staying beyond 2:00PM and Wednesdays, 11:00AM, their contracted ending time.  TCW BASE registration process is the same as elementary BASE.   A typical afternoon includes snack, circle time and outdoor play and learning.

The Children's Way (TCW) BASE After School Program Rates

2024-2025 Preschool

Days/Week 2:00-4:45 
(Wed 11:00-2:45)

5 days $6,280
4 days $5,240
3 days $4,015
2 days $2,730

Grades K-5

BASE operates in each elementary school.   Elementary families can choose a schedule to meet their needs, opting for 2-5 days per week, and pickup times at 4:30 or 6:00pm.  Each site offers an afternoon snack, enriching activities, and indoor/outdoor free play on a daily basis.  

BASE After School Program Rates
2024-2025 Grades K-5

Days/Week 2:25-4:30 2:25-6:00
                                             (Wed 1:15-4:30) (Wed 1:15-6:00)

5 days $3,940 $6,880
4 days $3,285 $5,745
3 days $2,515 $4,400
2 days $1,710 $2,990
1 day add on $855         $1,495



Photo/Image Opt-Out Form/Parent Handbook

As part of the BASE registration process, parents/guardians acknowledge the need to complete an "Opt-Out" form if they do not give BASE permission to use photos/images of their child(ren).  The form is below and must be completed and returned to BASE only if BASE does not have permission to photograph the child. 

Click here:   Photo Opt-Out 2024-2025 

Below is the link to the BASE 2024-2025 family handbook.

Family Handbook

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