Health Services

Wayland Public Schools Health Services

      Heather Yates

The responsibility for the student's health and well-being rests with the family.  School health programs supplement the efforts of he family and the private physician by providing an expanded health team consisting of school and health personnel.  

The school attempts to provide a safe and healthy environment for the student.  If an accident or sudden illness occurs at school, the school nurse will administer first aid and notify the parent so that the student may be taken home or to a private physician. In serious emergencies, the student will be transported to the nearest hospital by ambulance and the parent/guardian(s) will be notified.  For these reasons, it is important that parents provide the school with the following information to be included in eSchoolPlus:

  • The address and telephone numbers where parents/guardians can be reached, at home, work and cell.
  • The name, address, and telephone number of a neighbor or nearby relative who has agreed to assume responsibility when parents cannot be reached.
  • The name, address, and telephone number of the family physician.
  • The school will give no treatment, other than first aid. 

Students who are ill should not attend school nor should students return to school after recovering from an illness until they are able to participate in the total school program.  If any modifications of the school program need to be made, the parent and private physician should inform the school. 

When should a student stay at home:

  • If your student has a fever of 100.0 degrees F or higher; they should remain out of school for 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • If your student has been treated with an antibiotic they need to be on the antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
  • If your student has vomited or has diarrhea due to illness they should remain out of school for a minimum of 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea has ceased

Medication Policy

Students should never carry medication in school. Only the school nurse can administer medication. Whenever possible, a student's medication schedule should be arranged so that it may be taken at home.

When students need to take medication during school, parents/guardians must bring the medication, along with a completed medication order/permission form signed by both a parent/guardian and the student's physician, to the school nurse. Medication forms can be obtained from the school nurse or from a link on the Health Info and Forms web page under Health Services.

All medication-both prescription and over the counter- must be in its original container (you may ask your pharmacist for a school bottle). Prescription medication must have the pharmacy label. Prescription medication given for 10 days or less does not require a written doctor’s order. They do however, require written parental permission and must be in an original container from your pharmacist.

Over the counter medications may be administered by the school nurse with parental permission. These include: ibuprofen (Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), calcium carbonate (Tums), antibiotic ointment, and hydrocortisone 1% cream. Parent/guardian permission has to be signed on the student verification form filled out each September.

Reactions to Insect Stings & Allergic Reactions

If your student has been diagnosed by a physician with a life-threatening allergic reaction, and requires an Epinephrine Auto Injector, please notify the school nurse. A doctor’s order and parent permission form must be completed at the start of each academic school year and submitted to your school nurse. Forms may be obtained from the school nurse, or from the link on the Health Form site.

Physical Exams

Reports of physical exams, including an up to date immunization record, are required for all kindergarten, new entrants, and all students in grades 4,7,and 10.  If a medical reason precludes immunization, a physician’s written statement to this effect must be presented before the child is admitted to school; if there is a religious reason, a written statement must be submitted by the parent before admission and renewed annually.

Health Screenings

The  Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires screenings as follows:

  • Vision Grades Pre-K, K Grades 1-5, 7, 10
  • Hearing Grades K-3, 7, 10
  • Postural Screening Grade 5-9
  • BMI (height & weights) Grades 1,4,7,10
  • SBIRT Grades 8, 10

Parents/guardians will be notified in writing, only if the student does not pass the screening.

Please contact the school nurse with any questions.


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