WPS Core Applications

Below is a list of CORE applications designed to provide the Wayland Public Schools Community with access to student data and functionality to support and enhance the educational process. Some applications are hosted online and some are installed/hosted in our secure data center.

Wayland's Core Applications

Gmail - Online

Purpose:  To send and receive email.

Audience:  Administrators, Teachers and Students in Grades 6-12

Data: First Name, Last Name, YOG, Email Address

Google Apps - Online

Purpose:  To store and retrieve documents and media files, build websites and to share calendars and schedule events.

Audience:  Administrators, Teachers and Students

Data: First Name, Last Name, YOG, Email Address

Google Tools you can Trust

Privacy Policy

DPA - Data Processing Amendment to Google Apps Agreement

Security and Compliance Whitepaper

Google Apps for Education complies with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and our commitment to do so is included in our agreements. Google complies with and is registered with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor agreement, which helps ensure that our data protection compliance meets European Union standards for educational institutions. WPS GAFE Student Data Privacy Agreement

its learning - Online

Purpose:  Learning Management System to facilitate online classroom collaboration and assessments.

Audience:  Teachers and Students in Grades 9-12

Data:  Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Grade Level, YOG, E-mail Address

Standard Terms and Conditions (TAC)

eSPED - Online

Purpose: To create and access student Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Audience: Administrators and Special Ed teachers

Data: IEPs:  Student name, DOB, grade, SASID, LASID, address, telephone, place of birth, race, sex, disability, placement, level of need, parent contact info (name, address, phone, email), school (address & phone), spec. ed. liaison,  

Evaluation Reports:  Student name, DOB, Evaluation Date, grade, teacher, school, evaluator, parent name & telephone number.

==> Subscription Services Agreement


Naviance - Online

Purpose:To research college and financial aid information and to apply to college.

Audience: Guidance counselors, students, and parents

Data: Student ID, YOG,  First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender, Birthdate, E-mail, Street Address, Apt/Suite, City, State, Zip, Counselor, Ethnicity

Terms of Service

Privacy Statement


Purpose: To access student demographic, grade, attendance, discipline and assessment results, and to enter attendance and grades.

Audience: Teachers, administrators, parents and students

==> Employee Privacy Policy

School Messenger Purpose: To facilitate rapid communication by telephone, email, and text to the school community.

Audience: Administrators

Data: Student ID, Student Name, Guardian Name, Guardian Phone Number, Guardian E-mail Address

Terms of Service:  Link coming soon.


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