BASE Registration Information


The BASE registration process begins in March for the next school year.  Enrollment capacity is based on staffing availability at each site.  The need for BASE services typically exceeds its capacity, so annual wait lists are managed for each site.

Current BASE Families
Current BASE families will complete the 2024-2025 on-line registration form for returning students and rising kindergarten and or preschool siblings between March 11 and March 24, 2024.  The link is only accessible during this time. Site, grade and scheduling information is aggregated after March 24. This process determines how many BASE slots will be available for new families through the lottery at each site.

New Family BASE Lottery
Attrition, schedule changes, cancellations, or enrollment forfeitures of returning families, can free up slots at BASE sites.  New families interested in BASE may apply for potential enrollment in these limited slots through a New Family Lottery.

Because we know that after-school needs will far outweigh our capacity at each school, we are offering a BASE Lottery process, to give each family an equal chance of getting a slot in 2024-2025.  The Lottery, open from April 8 through April 21, 2024, will not be date and time stamped.  Rather, every family who submits an application to the lottery within these 13 days will have their application coded and entered once into the double-blind, randomized lottery.  After randomization, we will start filling available slots by school, grade, and schedule availability.   We will not separate siblings but multiple children may be harder to place.  Families who are offered a schedule less than requested may accept this lesser schedule or choose to stay on the waitlist in their lottery position.  Families that do not get a slot, will be placed on the 2024-2025 BASE waitlist based on their lottery position.  All families will be notified of their initial or waitlist status by May 1.  We will reach out to waitlist families if additional spots become available.
After the Lottery enrollment process, waitlist notifications will include contact information for Metrowest YMCA's School's Out Wayland program at Camp Chickami in Wayland.  School's Out Wayland operates specifically for access by families on the BASE waitlist so there is no open registration period.  BASE waitlist families must contact Metrowest YMCA directly to register for, pay for, and enroll in School's Out Wayland.
School's Out Wayland through Metrowest YMCA
In partnership with BASE and Wayland School Community Programs, Metrowest YMCA offers Schools-Out Wayland at Camp Chickami on Route 20 in Wayland.  School's Out Wayland is open Monday through Friday until 6:00pm for children in Grades K-5.  Transportation is provided from each elementary school to Camp Chickami.  Families MUST be on the current BASE waitlist to access after-school care at Camp Chickami.  

For more information, please contact Metrowest YMCA directly at (508)879-4420.

Lottery Application Process

Click on the following link to access the BASE Lottery Entry form from April 8 through April 21, 2024.

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  •      Complete all of the student and family data fields, making sure that all the information is current and accurate (please double-check your email address for typos)

Continue through the pull-down menus for school, grade and times

You must complete a separate application for each child

When you have completed all of the fields, click Submit.

Immediately after you click Submit, you will receive an email from Google confirming your Lottery submission.  If you don’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder.  Check the information for accuracy and make any necessary corrections before April 21, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Tom by email at [email protected] or by phone at 508-358-6873.

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BASE Wait list
Families requesting BASE services after the spring enrollment process, can be placed on the BASE Wait list by completing the Wait list Request form.  All post-lottery requests, are added to the wait list in the order in which they are received. 

Families are contacted in wait list order if BASE slots become available.  Space availability is determined based on staffing capacity at each site. It is recommended that families on the wait list explore alternate after school options.

Wait list status applies to the current school year only and does not afford any preferential enrollment opportunities for the next school year.

After-School care in Wayland Presentation-March 27, 2024   

Additional After School Options in Wayland  

RecPass through Wayland's Recreation Department                                             
Wayland Recreation offers a wide variety of recreational programs at The Wayland Town Building, Monday through Friday, for students in Grades K-5.  Each day, contracted vendors provide 90-minutes of programming for students bussed from each Wayland elementary school.  Families can register for one activity per day for 1-5 days per week.  
For additional programming and registration information, please contact Wayland Recreation directly at 508-358-3660.

Longfellow Children's Center in Wayland

Longfellow Children's Center After School provides transportation from each Wayland elementary school to its facility at 522c Boston Post Rd in Wayland, Monday through Friday, for children in Grades K-5.  The program offers active play and encouragement of a healthy lifestyle September through June. Programs are licensed by the Massachusetts Early Education and Care Department. Parents can contact the EEC for the program's licensing history at (508)798-5180.
For more information, contact Longfellow Children's center at 508-358-0710.



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