Minutes - Wayland School Committee - Policy Subcommittee
April 26, 2011
DATE: April 26, 2011
TIME: 11:00 AM
PLACE: Wayland Town Building
PRESENT: Barb Fletcher, Beth Butler
The Subcommittee reviewed the following policies and discussed whether further action, if any, was needed.
a. Minutes
i. Ms. Fletcher made a motion and Ms. Butler seconded to approve the March 3, 2011 minutes.
ii. The vote was unanimous.
b. Field Trips (IJOA) and Home Schooled Children and Athletic Participation (JJICA) Policies
i. Ms. Fletcher will confirm that these School Committee approved policies have been posted online.
c. Late Night and Overnight Trips (JJH) Policy
i. Ms. Fletcher will make the agreed upon change to the policy.
ii. The Policy Subcommittee will next meet with Mr. Astley to hear his concerns and suggested changes.
d. Bullying and Cyber Bullying (JICFB) Policy
i. Ms. Fletcher will review the MASC model policy with Ms. Cohen to determine if any changes are recommended.
e. Facebook & Social Networking (IJNDD - proposed) Policy
i. Ms. Butler will bring the Professional Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines to the next Subcommittee meeting.
f. Adoption of Policy (BGB) Policy
i. Based on discussions with the Superintendent, it was determined that no changes are needed for this policy.
ii. Also, it was determined that there is no need to define the “out for public comment period” in the policy.
g. Religious (IMDC) Policy
i. Ms. Fletcher will work with Ms. Marobella to remove the “On Hold” language from the policy and will bring it
before the School Committee.
ii. It was reported that the Admin Council reviewed the policy and made no changes but questioned the word
iii. Ms. Butler will review other communities’ policies.
h. Index
i. Ms. Butler will follow up with the Technology Director to determine if the NSBA index can be scanned and edited
for our purposes.
i. Anti- Idling (EEAB) Policy
i. Ms. Fletcher will check with Ms. Marobella to confirm that this policy was put out for public comment.
j. MASC Recommended Policies
i. Concussion/Head Injuries Policy
1. The Subcommittee will recommend to the Superintendent that
he consider adding the MASC information sheet to the Athletic Handbook
per the recommendation of MASC.
2. Ms. Fletcher will also mention to the Superintendent that the Athletic Handbook should be reviewed for updates.
ii. Students Transferring from Charter Schools Policy
1. Ms. Butler will review the MASC policies concerning the transfer of Charter School students to districts.
iii. Service Animal Policy
1. It was reported that the School Committee approved the
animal only portion of the MASC recommended policy on March 7, 2011.
2. Ms. Fletcher will confirm with Ms. Marobella that this policy has been posted online.
k. Student Policies and Goals (JA) and Goals for Wayland Public Schools (ADA) Policies
i. Ms. Butler to check other similar MASC policies
l. Green Purchasing Policy (proposed)
i. Ms. Fletcher will review proposed policy with Business Manager, Director of Facilites and Town Administrator
m. School Gift (KCD) Policy
i. Ms. Fletcher will review this policy with the Superintendent and the Business Manager.
n. Talking Points from Mr. Astley
i. The Subcommittee will recommend that Mr. Astley review
Section B of the School Committee Policy Manual to determine if this
section addresses his concerns.
ii. The Subcommittee will schedule a meeting with Mr. Astley to
talk about this issue, as well as his concerns regarding field trips.
Ms. Fletcher made a motion to adjourn and Ms. Butler seconded. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 12:55PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Barb Fletcher and Beth Butler
• March 3, 2011 Draft Minutes
• Policy JJH - Late Night and Overnight Trips
• MASC Advisory Notice and Bulletin
• MGL Chapter 71, Section 37N
• Policy JICFB (MASC & SC) - Bullying and Cyber Bullying
• Page 3 from WPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
• Policy IJNDD (MASC proposed) - Facebook and Social Networking
• Policy IMDC - Religious
• Policy EEAB - Anti-Idling
• MASC Recommended Policies (Concussion/Head Injuries, Students Transferring from Charter Schools)
• Proposed Green Purchasing Policy
• Policy KCD - School Gifts