Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Special Session December 21, 2010
A Special Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Tuesday, December 21, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. in the
School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mrs. Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Dr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Beth Butler
Dr. Shawn Kinney
Bill Garr, FMS
Richard Warren, FMS
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:05 P.M.
1. Comments or Written Statements from the Public:
There were no comments or written statements.
2. Superintendent Search:
• Foster Wright, the Chair of the Superintendent Search Committee,
provided an update on the process conducted by the Search Committee, as
well as an overview of the three finalists recommended to the School
Committee by the Search Committee. (See attached memo for details.)
• The three finalists include:
? Jonathan Landman, Ed.D. – current Assistant Superintendent for
Teaching and Learning of the Randolph Public Schools, Randolph, MA
? Paul Stein, Ed.D. – current Deputy Superintendent of the Newton Public Schools, Newton, MA
? Anne Shaloka Wilson, Ph.D. – current Assistant Superintendent
of Human Resources of the Brookline Public Schools, Brookline, MA
• The School Committee then reviewed a document provided by FMS that
summarizes the remaining timeline for the search and the details
regarding the visits to Wayland by the three finalist candidates. (See
attached document for details.)
• Mrs. Fletcher volunteered to serve as the point person to organize the visits to Wayland by the three finalist candidates.
• The School Committee then brainstormed potential questions for the
Committee to ask in its interviews of the three finalist candidates.
Each School Committee member agreed to develop questions for the
interviews in the following areas:
? Developing/Managing a Budget – Mrs. Fletcher
? Philosophy around Long Range Planning – Mrs. Fletcher
? 21st Century Skills – Mr. Astley
? Challenges facing children – Mr. Astley
? Grade Level vs. Neighborhood Schools at the elementary level – Dr. Jurist
? Leveling/Gifted and Talented Programs – Dr. Jurist
? Staff Evaluation – Dr. Kinney
? Interaction with School Committee – Dr. Kinney
? Safety Issues – Ms. Butler
? Differentiated Instruction for all students (esp. those in middle) – Ms. Butler
? Experience working with Town Government – Future Management Systems (FMS)
? FMS will also develop a couple of case studies to be used in the interviews
• The School Committee decided upon three possible dates for the visits to Wayland:
? Tuesday, January 11th
? Thursday, January 13th
? Wednesday, January 19th
• Dr. Jurist will send a letter to each Search Committee member thanking them for their participation in this process.
3. Comments from the Public:
There were no public comments.
4. Adjournment:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Ms.
Butler, the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Special
Session at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Fletcher, Vice Chair
Wayland School Committee
Tom Sciacca, WVN
Susan Wagner, News Reporter
Abby Jordan, Wayland