Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session October 13, 2009
A Regular Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Tuesday, October 13, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. in the
School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mr. Jeff Dieffenbach, Vice Chair
Mr. Malcolm Astley
Ms. Deb Cohen, Esq.
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:08 p.m. He welcomed the observers and asked for public comment.
1. Comments and Written Statements from the Public:
A parent provided the Committee with an anonymous email he received related to elementary MCAS scores.
2. Special Matter – HSBC Update:
Lea Anderson and Dianne Bladon of the High School Building
Committee described the possibility of using a “Construction Manager at
Risk” for the high school building project. This process could save a
considerable amount of time, resources, and possibly some of the most
qualified contractors in the area.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher,
seconded by Mrs. Cohen, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to
affirm the vote of the HSBC to pursue contacting Town Counsel to enter
into all necessary and appropriate agreements for the design,
construction and other related expenses to expand and modernize Wayland
High School, including but not limited to a project funding agreement
with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for losses
associated with the Town’s performance of its obligations and exercise
of its rights under such agreement.
Second Motion under the High School Article:
Upon the recommendation by Town Counsel Mark Lanza, the HSBC members
informed the Committee of some draft language for the Town Meeting.
The HSBC also provided the School Committee
with an informational mailer and a fact sheet for the community. Both
of the flyers have been approved by the Office of Campaign Finance.
Dianne Bladon also discussed sign boards for the forum and the schools.
3. October 1st Enrollment Report and FY’11 Projections:
Dr. Burton provided the School Committee with the 2009-2010
Enrollment Report that was prepared by Joy Buhler. He answered
questions posed by the Committee members. Dr. Burton also provided the
Committee with the most current enrollment numbers as reported on
October 1st.
4. Discussion re: Revised Field Trip Policy.:
Mrs. Fletcher presented proposed changes to the Field Trip
Policy and regulations/guidelines. Some suggestions were made to the
policy and it was issued for comment.
5. Preliminary FY’11 Budget Principles:
The School Committee reviewed a draft of the FY’11 Budget
Principles. The group consensus was to make no changes to the content
of the Budget Principles.
6. Superintendent’s Goals for 2009-2010:
Dr. Burton presented his goals for FY’10. He received feedback from the members of the Committee.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher,
seconded by Mr. Dieffenbach, the School Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) to accept Dr. Burton’s goals with suggested revisions.
7. Approval of Accounts Payable & Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mr.
Astley, the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the following
accounts payable and payroll warrants.
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 9/24/2009, in the amount of $1,083,344.78
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 10/26/2009, in the amount of $250,187.22
8. Suburban Coalition:
Mr. Astley updated the School Committee on the last Suburban
Coalition meeting he attended. He also asked the other members to give
him clear direction for his efforts with the coalition.
9. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, and seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the
following minutes as amended:
• Regular Session of September 29, 2009
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, and
seconded by Mrs. Cohen, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to
approve the following minutes as amended:
• Executive Session of September 29, 2009
10. Comments from the Public:
A community member advocated for providing a rich atmosphere and
environment to students to help them reach to their highest potential.
11. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) in a roll call vote to
convene in Executive Session at 9:12 P.M. for the purpose of matters
pertaining to Personnel, as set forth in Section 23B of G.L. Ch. 39.
Roll Call
Dr. Louis Jurist
Mr. Jeff Dieffenbach
Mr. Malcolm Astley
Mrs. Deb Cohen
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
The Chair announced that
the Committee would reconvene in Open Session immediately following the
adjournment of the Executive Session for adjournment purposes only.
12. Adjournment:
Upon a motion by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher, the
Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at
10:27 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee
Observers: Lea Anderson, HSBC
Betsey Brigham, Rice Road