Minutes - Wayland School Committee
Regular Session December 21, 2009
A Regular Session of the Wayland School
Committee was held on Monday, December 21, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. in the
School Committee Room of the Wayland Town Building.
Present were:
Dr. Louis Jurist, Chair
Mr. Jeff R. Dieffenbach, Vice Chair
Mr. Malcolm Astley (He left the meeting at 7:50 and returned at 8:50.)
Ms. Deb Cohen, Esq.
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
Dr. Gary A. Burton
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Brad J. Crozier
Assistant Superintendent
Ms. Joy E. Buhler
Business Administrator
Dr. Marlene M. Dodyk
Director of Student Services
Chair Louis Jurist convened the regular meeting at 7:02 P.M. and asked for public comment.
1. Comments and Written Statements from the Public:
• A parent asked if the 2009 MCAS Report was posted and if the presentation would be available.
• A community member made several statements pertaining to the
economic benefits to VHS. He also stated, if through the use of
technology, it was the only way for the Town to save money.
• A parent encouraged the School Committee to keep the current
positions in Fine Arts. She also suggested creating a fee for
materials to offset consumable supplies.
• A former student spoke in support of keeping the current Art FTEs.
2. Discussion re: Capital Budget:
Mr. Dieffenbach and Ms. Leisha Simon, Technology Director, updated
the School Committee on the last Technology Task Force meeting. Ms.
Simon highlighted several important aspects of her memo dated 12/17/09.
She answered questions from the School Committee members related to
the technology capital requests. Mr. Dieffenbach and Ms. Simon will
work together to answer some remaining questions and provide more
detail in some areas for the next School Committee meeting.
3. Discussion re: Draft of New Policy (Request for Copies of Student Records):
The School Committee Subcommittee on Policy will review current policies and amend, if appropriate.
4. Discussion re: Waiver of Local Fees Pertaining to the WHS Project:
The School Committee reviewed a draft of a letter requesting a
waiver of all local fees for the High School building project.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mrs.
Cohen, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley absent)
to approve the draft and authorize the Chair to sign the letter.
5. Approval of Accounts Payable & Payroll Warrants:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mr.
Dieffenbach, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley
absent) to approve the following warrants:
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 12/17/2009, in the amount of $1,080,485.87
• School Department Accounts Payable warrant, dated 12/16/2009, in the amount of $176,847.07
• School Department Payroll warrant, dated 12/21/09, in the amount of $2486.55 (final employee paycheck)
6. Acceptance of Gifts:
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mrs. Cohen,
the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley absent) to
accept a $3,000 donation to support and strengthen the “Just Like Me”
program from the Katie Lynch Foundation with gratitude.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley
absent) to accept the following donations to the Wayland High School
Robotics Program.
• An anonymous donation of $2,500
• A donation of $2,500 from Mr. Frank Vanzler, c/o KV Associates
• A donation of $1,500 from Bluefin Robotics
7. Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mrs.
Fletcher, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley
absent) to approve the following minutes, as written.
• Regular Session of December 7, 2009
• Executive Session of December 7, 2009
8. HSBC Update:
Dr. Burton updated the Committee on the KV Associates contract amendment. He also discussed the
HSBC’s meeting with the Conservation Committee.
Upon a motion duly made by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mr.
Dieffenbach, the School Committee voted unanimously (4-0) (Mr. Astley
absent) to amend the KVA contract and authorize the Chair to sign the
9. Middle School Principal Search Update:
Dr. Burton updated the School Committee on the progress of the
Middle School Principal search. Mr. Dieffenbach will send out a
reminder to the School Committee listserv about the interview committee
and the date for the public forum.
10. Continued FY’11 Budget Discussion:
The School Committee reviewed questions that were submitted to
Mrs. Fletcher related to the personnel budget. The Committee discussed
feedback from parents and staff related to positions on the cut list.
The Committee discussed possible offsets. Dr. Burton reported on the
information he learned from his research on School Choice.
11. Comments from the Public:
There were no public comments.
12. Executive Session:
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dieffenbach, seconded by Mr. Astley, the Committee voted unanimously
(5-0) in a roll call vote to convene in Executive Session at 11:04
P.M. for the purpose of matters pertaining to Collective Bargaining, as
set forth in Section 23B of G.L. Ch. 39.
Roll Call
Dr. Louis Jurist
Mr. Jeff Dieffenbach
Mr. Malcolm Astley
Mrs. Deb Cohen
Mrs. Barb Fletcher
The Chair announced that the Committee would reconvene in Open
Session immediately following the adjournment of the Executive Session
for adjournment purposed only.
13. Adjournment:
Upon a motion by Mrs. Fletcher, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, the
Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn the Regular Session at
11:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary A. Burton, Clerk
Wayland School Committee
John Ames, 18 Old Farm Road
Basil Halperin, WSPN
Claire Sehringer, 26 Rice Spring Lane
Tom Sciacca, WVN
Shawn Kinney, 6 Dairy Farm Lane
Melanie Wang, WSPN
Paul Grasso, FinCom